K390 needs to be used more on knives. It's a fantastic steel. I really like the ergo's of the handle. It really fits my hand right. I don't mind FRN as long as there are screws and not rivets. I don't think there is anything wrong with this knife other than the lock back being a little stiff at first, but it broke in after a few days and I can flick it open easily now. My only nitpick is that I wish it used the lock from the manix 2. I'll probably end up buying a couple more to stash for the future.
I bought this knife based on all the rave reviews for K390 blade and how this knife was almost identical to the Para 2 Lightweight but has a better grip based on the slightly beefer and more ergonomically shaped handle. I love the way this knife feels in my hand and the blade is nearly indestructible and keeps a very sharp edge. My only issue is that this knife is a bit too large for my medium sized female hand and its hard for me to flip out the blade unless I really choke up on it. I don't have this same issue with the Spyderco Native 5, or my two Sypderco Delica 4s. This knife would be great for a medium and large sized male hand. I got this knife on sale and was pleased with the sale price I purchased it at but would not buy it at full retail.
First, this is a great knife. It is a bit more angled like the Para 3, but the length is similar to the PM2. The K390 is an amazing steel as long as corrosion isn't a concern for you. Only reason I would give it 4.5 stars if I could: the FRN handles. I love that they are more contoured than the usual G10 counterparts, but if SPyderco turned this into a contoured-handled beauty, there wouldn't be much else to buy but clips and stuff to pimp out this knife. Thin blade stock, great flat grind, some of the best ergos anywhere, and a super steel that will patina and keep an edge for a time that at least rivals M390 if not beats it with toughness similar to S30V. This is a pretty cool combination for a pocketknife. Spyderco: Where's a Para3 in K390????????????? Seriously, buy this knife if you are thinking of it. The quality is there and it is better than you are thinking it might be.
Per other reviews, design, fit and function near perfect. EDC work and personal defense. 30+ yrs Spyderco collector and daily user. Engineer and construction during the wk, Hunting when off. This knife is perfectly sized for an experienced handler. FRN is light, yet length and width of scales/grip are perfect for comfortable carry, deployment, and use. K390 has excellent edge retention. At on-line prices of $150-170, buy several!
This is the second review I’m writing on this knife, that’s how much use I get out of it. I own plenty of Spydercos, along with many other brands of knives that don’t quite scratch the same itch—this is the best all-around. Perfect larger EDC/camp knife with its super useful blade profile. I use it like I would a fixed blade on lighter hikes, any food or firewood prep goes straight to this knife. I’ve cut tons of rope and plastic with it, and it begs for more. The handles are just large enough for my XL-XXL hands, with or without the use of the choil. The scales are super lightweight, yet durable. I’ve never run into a problem with Spyderco’s FRN. K390 is the perfect steel for me and it takes a sticky sharp edge with relative ease considering the wear resistance. I live less than a mile from the ocean so there’s plenty of salinity in the air, I’ve yet to encounter a spot of rust—only some dark stains. It patinas beautifully, takes a forced patina with ease too if you’re worried about corrosion. Obviously clean it up a little bit if you’re cutting some corrosive foods, then you’ll never run into trouble. I wouldn’t take this as my kayak knife in saltwater, but that’s about the only time I wouldn’t have this knife on me. I wish I knew how good this knife would be before I bought it, because I probably would’ve grabbed a second one to modify into oblivion. I’m seeing it’s now marked up $40 on Amazon and sold out in most places after what seemed like a slow start. If this knife is in stock, buy it and beat the crap out of it.
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Close-up of hand holding knife, opening or unsheathing knife, and then closing or sheathing knife.
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